DFS Blogs

How to create Smart Homes with intelligent House Automation?

How to create Smart Homes with intelligent House Automation?

With artificial intelligence taking over the conventional operational management system of almost all industries, the construction industry is no exception. House automation is a part of BMS (Building Management System) which can automate almost any electrical device and house system. It primarily deals with the automation of security, HVAC (Heating,…

गृह सुरक्षा के लिए कैमरा क्या है और वे कैसे काम करते हैं?

गृह सुरक्षा के लिए कैमरा क्या है और वे कैसे काम करते हैं?

होम कैमरा सुरक्षा प्रणालियाँ आजकल बहुत बदल गई हैं और अब यह तकनीक अधिक किफायती हो गई है, जो वायर्ड और वायरलेस दोनों संस्करणों में उपलब्ध है। साथ ही, इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी विकल्प कहीं से भी पहुंच को आसान बनाता है, आपको केवल अपनी संपत्ति की देखभाल के लिए इसे अपने…

What is a Camera for Home Security and How do they Work?

What is a Camera for Home Security and How do they Work?

Home camera security systems now-a-days changed a lot and also now the technology becomes more affordable, available both in wired and wireless versions.  Also, the internet connectivity option makes accessibility easy from anywhere you only need to connect it with your portable device to take care of your property.  In…

When should you buy a home security system?

When should you buy a home security system?

You would have heard a lot of people use the phrase "Timing is the key". It's one phrase that's applicable everywhere. Whether it's on the cricket field or on the road, even a split second here and there can turn things upside down. Timing is so critical, what's the best…

Why you should opt for monitored security for complete home security

Why you should opt for monitored security for complete home security

You've spent your hard-earned money on getting your dream house. It's just the way you wanted, spacious rooms, large glass windows, a play area and all of it with a great view. Those glass windows are protected with an iron grill, your main door is behind another iron door because…

यदि इन्टरनेट बंद हो जाये तब क्या सिक्योरिटी सिस्टम आपको सूचित कर पायेगा?

यदि इन्टरनेट बंद हो जाये तब क्या सिक्योरिटी सिस्टम आपको सूचित कर पायेगा?

ये निर्भर करेगा कि आपने कौन सा Security System अपने घर पर install करवाया हुआ है। जब बात सेंट्रल मोनिटरिंग अलार्म सिस्टम की आती है तो ज्यादातर घरों में ये 3-4 प्रकार के Security System install होते हैं । 1. पुराने समय की Telephone लाइन वाली 2. GSM Cellular Base…