DFS Blogs

मोशन सेंसर क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है? Everything About motion sensor in hindi

मोशन सेंसर क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है? Everything About motion sensor in hindi

मोशन सेंसर क्या है ? What is motion sensor in hindi किसी भी होम सिक्‍योरिटी सिस्‍टम में डोर व विण्‍डो सेंसर के अलावा बेस्ट मोशन सेंसर भी बहुत महत्‍वपूर्ण सेंसर होता है। डोर व विण्‍डो सेंसर यजर्स को तब सूचित करते हैं जब को चोर व व्‍यक्ति दरवाजा व खिडकी खोलकर अन्‍दर आने की…

What is a Motion Sensor and How Does a Motion Detector Work?

What is a Motion Sensor and How Does a Motion Detector Work?

What is a Motion Sensor  What is a Motion Sensor and How Does a Motion Detector Work? Along with door and window sensors, motion detectors are home security system essentials. While door and window sensors notify you if someone actively enters your home, motion sensors will alert you if someone…

What is and How Does a Door Sensor Work?

What is and How Does a Door Sensor Work?

What is and How Does a Door Sensor Work?. Door and window sensors sound an alarm when someone opens a door or window to your home. But if a burglar were to break into your home by smashing a window—instead of forcing it open—the window sensor wouldn’t trigger.Glass break detectors…

How Does a Glass Break Detector Work in Window or Sliding Door?

How Does a Glass Break Detector Work in Window or Sliding Door?

Door and window sensors sound an alarm when someone opens a door or window to your home. But if a burglar were to break into your home by smashing a window—instead of forcing it open—the window sensor wouldn’t trigger.Glass break detectors complement door and window sensors by monitoring sound or…

ग्लास ब्रेक सेंसर कैसे काम करते हैं ?

ग्लास ब्रेक सेंसर कैसे काम करते हैं ?

डोर या विंडो सेंसर्स तब अलार्म बजाते हैं जब कोई दरवाजा या खिड़की को खोल कर घर में घुसने की कोशिश करता है लेकिन यदि कोई चोर खिड़की को तोड़ कर घर के अंदर घुस आता है तो सेंसर ट्रिगर नहीं होगा. तो इस तरह की परिस्थिति के लिए glass…

What Is a Security System Key Fob and How Does it Work?

What Is a Security System Key Fob and How Does it Work?

What Is a Security System Key Fob and How Does it Work? A security key fob is a wireless remote control device nearly identical to those clickers you get in your car. In fact, they perform basically the same function. The wireless remote for your car locks and unlocks the car doors…